National Fetish Day is in the process of being upgraded to International Fetish Day for 2009.
The final date has been set for Friday 16 January 2009.
The word "pervert" is not going to be used officially in conjunction with the day. Please bear this in mind when referring to International Fetish Day in 2009. If you choose to use the word "pervert", please know that you will offend a great number of people (though not, obviously, the creator of this website).
The International Fetish Day webpage asks, "It's your day: what will you do to mark it?" While there will most likely be events, parties, and other activities, NFD08 is going to stick with wearing purple. So maybe you're not a "pervert", but there's no reason not to celebrate your sexuality in public with a bit of flash.
Until I hear otherwise, Fetish Lovers Wear Purple!!!
Celebrate National Fetish Day!
January 21, 2008
Perverts Wear Purple!
On Monday, January 21, 2008, people are invited to wear purple, amethyst, bluish red, heliotrope, lavender, lilac, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, perse, plum, pomegranate, reddish blue, violaceous, violet, wine or any other shade of purple you can think of in support of sexual diversity.
Fetish Day 2009
Though not party to the debate that raged over 2009's Fetish Day, the general acceptance is that it will be held on Friday, 16 January 2009. The webpage asks, "It's your day: what will you do to mark it?" While there may be various events, parties, and other activities, National Fetish Day 2008 is sticking with wearing purple.
Developments for 2009
-- "National Fetish Day" is being changed to "International Fetish Day".
-- The tagline "perverts wear purple" will not officially be part of the day.
National Fetish Day in the News
MP Ronnie Campbell said in the Sunday Sun that the whole "horse fetish" thing was just a "misunderstanding" and that he would "never have agreed to support anything that had the title “Perverts wear Purple”".
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